Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Adjustment Settings

When the Adjustments box is checked, the adjustment settings are available for editing. Most of these settings are device-dependent. For example, the Distance constant is dependent on the device used to measure distances. Most modern electronic distance measuring (EDM) equipment has an inherent accuracy of 0.01 - 0.02 feet.

These settings are copied to the Survey Adjustment tree in Project Explorer for each field book that is created. These values can be set from the tree and therefore can serve as a seed or default setting.

These settings are copied to the Survey Adjustment tree in Project Explorer for each field book that is created. These values can be set from the tree and therefore can serve as a seed or default setting.

Combined Scale Factor Option

Select Do Not Use, Compute From Control Points, Compute For Each Observation, Use Manual Combined Factor

Combined Scale Factor Value

specifies the Combined Scale Factor Value

Display errors in Message Center

True or False

Add-on for Distance Constant

Accuracy of measured distances based on a set of redundant measurements

Add-on for Distance PPM

The parts per million correction for measured distances based on the principle that an error will be proportional to the length of the line. This is device dependent as well, but not to be confused with the corrective PPM applied for atmospheric conditions on the instrument itself.

Add-on for Horizontal angle

Inherent accuracy of measured angles based on a set of redundant measurements

Add-on for Azimuth

Accuracy of azimuth - This is not the same as angle accuracy; it is based on the accuracy of a predefined direction used as a backsight.

Add-on for Trig level constant

Accuracy of elevations measured with total station distance/vertical angle calculations

Add-on for Trig level PPM

Parts per million additive for measured trig elevations. As with Distance PPM, this is based on the length of the error being proportional to the length of the line.

Add-on for Differential leveling Constant

Accuracy of elevations derived from differential levels, using leveling instrument and leveling rod and taking into consideration that backsights and foresights are equal in length and that readings are taken to a rod held plumb.

Default Distance error estimate

The computed factor applied to a set of measured distances based on the precision or repeatability of those measurements as related to predefined coordinates used to control the traverse

Default Distance PPM

The corrective factor that is actually applied according to the Error Distant Constant

Default Horizontal angle error estimate

The computed factor applied to a set of measured angles based on the precision or repeatability of those measurements as related to predefined coordinates used to control the traverse

Default Azimuth error estimate

The corrective factor that is applied according to the repeated angular measurements in the traverse and the actual Azimuth direction as determined by predefined coordinates